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BitBadger.Documents has replaced this PostgreSQL-specific project. The new project provides similar behavior, but for both PostgreSQL and SQLite. It made sense to remove the database name from the project, as people would not likely be searching for SQLite document support in a PostgreSQL library! Its initial version of 3 is due to its lineage from this project, and it continues.

Differences when upgrading to BitBadger.Documents


The main code-change-requiring difference is the namespace of the library.

// C# - Before
using BitBadger.Npgsql.Documents;
// After
using BitBadger.Documents.Postgres;
// F# - Before
open BitBadger.Npgsql.FSharp.Documents
// After
open BitBadger.Documents.Postgres

Configuration options and underlying data structures are the same between v2 of this library and v3 of the new one. If you are still using v1 of this library, you will need to migrate your data to the v2 structure.

Field-Level Accesses and Indexes Changes

SQLite implemented the same JSON field access as PostgreSQL; once it was implemented for the former, we can now use it in the latter. This brings some new options for accessing data.

Other Changes

There were a few places where functions were moved, specifically around the queries and execution of table and index definitions. If you find others that this document missed, please reach out and let us know.